Wednesday, February 27, 2008


(All scripture quotes from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)

The little fellow had on one of those shirts that detail some of the rules of dedicated athletes. Certainly you are familiar with these, in basketball they say "Take it to the hoop", Nike had the famous "Just do it" campaign. The little fellow in question (somewhere between ages 9 and 12) had a shirt on that screamed out that in his game there was "No bench; No time out; and No half time". It makes me tired just thinking of it. I immediately thought there must be a lesson for those of us living the Christian life, after reflection I learn there are many. Lets look for and find a few in an effort to build up our Christian life.

FIRST, The fact is clear-Christianity is like a race- "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1). This does not bring much quick encouragement to us when we know in a race there can only be one winner! Yet the text is designed to give long term, sustaining encouragement-this makes since as we remember the deeper context of Hebrews (written to encourage Christians that are beginning to weaken).

This beautiful text goes on to give several great lessons to the Christian desiring to successfully run the race. We are told to "lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us,". It is easy to picture runners on a track. They endeavor to find the lightest shoes, and clothing in order to win. Imagine if they had a huge back pack, say 60 pounds or so, it would guarantee instant defeat! What about you and I that continue to try living the Christan life with that huge pack of sins that we continue to carry around? Certain defeat is no less inevitable.

Second, How should you and I run? Hebrews dictates that we "Run with patience". Like wise Paul states the obvious by reminding that there can be only one winner in every race. He goes on to declare that we need to run "That ye may obtain.", that is that you may win. Thus you and I must run so that we win!

Third, the prize goes to the winner. Jesus reminds "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give ever man according as his work shall be." (Revelation 22:12). Think how harsh, yet how real. The Christian life is a race, there are no second place finishes allowed and the Lord only rewards the winner! Thus we each need to live our Christian life in the model of the young man's shirt "No bench, No timeout and No half time. Christian, there are no second place trophies to be given on judgement day.

Truth has been told, No second place trophies are awarded. Yet, one noted Christian stalwart, Peter gives us encouragement to get up if we have fallen by the wayside and once again be a faithful runner. Peter strongly denied the Lord (Luke 22) even refusing to be named among the Lord's followers, yet he later becomes an ardent defender of Jesus the Christ. There is indeed room on the race track for you, come on, get up and get back in the race before it is over.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Power Of God's Word-"And God Said"

(Scripture quotes from the KJV unless otherwise noted.)

Quick-From the book of Genesis, how many times does it say "And God said"? There are several life impacting lessons available right from the early pages of Genesis, even from the first few chapters! For example, lets study the power of God's word in creation and then see how powerful it can actually be in our every day lives.

"And God said" occurs eight times in the first chapter of Genesis chapter one. Each time the phrase occurs it quickly is followed by action. For example in chapter 1:3 "And God said" and immediately following light was created.

There is a concept in Bible study called the principle of first mention. The idea is that when we see a concept that at times may be difficult or challenging in our Bible study that we can go back in the Bible until it is first mentioned and there perhaps learn more of what is meant in the text we are having problem with. Thus we respectfully suggest that here when the phrase "And God said" occurs (and seven times following) it quickly is followed by various powerful occurrances in the creation. Thus the quick and logical conclusion is that when God's word or the voice of God is brought to bear on a situation we can and should expect powerful outcomes.

"For the word of God is quick and powerful" (Hebrews 4:12). This text further emphasizes the power of God's word. In a very practical way it goes right into our every day lives because the writer of Hebrews goes on to state that it is sharp enough to divide between the "thoughts and intents of the heart." Further, we have seen the powerful word of God brought to bear on individual hearts, for example when Peter preached on the day of Pentecost his preaching (of the very word of God) caused his hearers to cry out asking what should they do? Other examples of the gospel being preached and powerfully effecting results are seen in other places of the New Testament.

Finally, the powerful word of God can and does have an effect upon your life, if you will let it. Let us imagine for a moment that you or I have done wrong. For illustration we imagine ourselves having misused our tongue, either by using foul language, or perhaps speaking lies, gossip or some other unkind words to or about someone. The illustration continues, in a few days we come in contact with the word of God (either from memory or by reading scripture) and what it says about the misuse of the tongue (James 3:1-12). This passage causes us to be sorrowful about our sin of the tongue and we then repent, thus we can see the power of God's word even in our own lives!

Until next time, kmc.

Life Changing Bible Study Topics

QUICK-Can you name three or four Bible study topics that readily translate into real life-or at least that interest you? Of course each of our lives are different but we each share some of the same situations in our lives thus we surely have some shared or common interests in our Bible study.
If you could not name a couple of topics quickly, let me suggest a list of five or six that you might agree with; 1. The Power Of God's Word "And God Said"; 2. The Orderliness Of God; 3. God Given Responsibilities; 4. Family Relations-Adam, Eve, Cain & Abel; and finally 5. Husband And Wife.
See, I told you we share some common interests, both in life and our Bible study. These topics are common to all, and hopefully of interest to some. Let's study them together over the next little while.